Discovering Switzerland: A Tour of the Best Towns, Cities and Locations That Begin With S
Welcome to SwissGlorious, your go-to guide for discovering the best towns, cities and locations in Switzerland! In this article, we'll be unveiling the top Swiss destinations that begin with the letter 'S'. Switzerland is home to some of the most stunning natural landscapes, charming towns and world-class cities and we've narrowed it down to the best ones that start with 'S'. Whether you're looking for adventure, relaxation or culture, you're sure to find something that piques your interest in this list.
Towns, Cities and Locations Start with S
- S-chanf
- S-charl
- S. Abbondio
- S. Nazzaro
- S. Vittore
- Saanen
- Saanenmoser
- Saas Almagell
- Saas Balen
- Saas im Prättigau
- Saas
- Saas-Almagel
- Saas-Fee
- Saas-Grund
- Sabbione
- Sachseln
- Saclentse
- Saconnex
- Safenwil
- Safien Platz
- Safien
- Saflischmatten
- Sage
- Sagens
- Saglia
- Sagliaz
- Sagno
- Sagogn
- Saicourt
- Saignelégier
- Saillon
- Saint Chalet a Gobet
- Saint Gallen
- Saint German
- Saint Gotthard
- Saint Moritz
- Saint Peter
- Saint-Aubin
- Saint-Aubin
- Saint-Blaise NE
- Saint-Blaise
- Saint-Brais
- Saint-Cergue
- Saint-Gall
- Saint-Germain
- Saint-Gingolph
- Saint-Gothard
- Saint-Imier
- Saint-Jean
- Saint-Livres
- Saint-Luc
- Saint-Léonard VS
- Saint-Martin (VS)
- Saint-Martin
- Saint-Martin-Chézard
- Saint-Maurice
- Saint-Pierre-de-Clages
- Saint-Prex
- Saint-Romain
- Saint-Sulpice NE
- Saint-Sulpice
- Saint-Sulpice
- Saint-Ursanne
- Sainte-Croix
- Sala Capriasca
- Sala
- Salacher
- Saland
- Salategnas
- Salez
- Salgesch
- Saline
- Salmsach
- Salorino
- Salouf
- Salquenen
- Salux
- Sambucco
- Sambuco di Fuori
- Sambuco
- Samedan
- Samignun
- Samignun-Compatsch
- Samnaun Dorf
- Samnaun
- Samnaun-Compatsch
- San Carlo
- San Domenico
- San Gagl
- San Gallo
- San Giacomo
- San Gions
- San Giusep
- San Gottardo
- San Martino
- San Murezzan
- San Nazzaro
- San Vittore
- Sangallä
- Sangernboden
- Sankt Anna
- Sankt Antoni
- Sankt Antönien
- Sankt Fiden
- Sankt Gallenkappel
- Sankt German
- Sankt Gotthard
- Sankt Heinrich
- Sankt Immer
- Sankt Jakob
- Sankt Johann
- Sankt Jörg
- Sankt Margrethen
- Sankt Moritz
- Sankt Moritz-Bad
- Sankt Moritz-Dorf
- Sankt Murezzan
- Sankt Peter
- Sankt Peterzell
- Sankt Pietro
- Sankt Stephan
- Sankt Ursen
- Sankt-Galo
- Sankt-Stefano BE
- Sankta Maŭrico
- Sant Ursche
- Sant' Antonino
- Sant' Antonio
- Sant'Abbondio
- Sant'Antonio
- Santa Domenica
- Santa Margherita
- Santa Maria Val Müstair
- Santa Maria im Münstertal
- Santa Maria in Calanca
- Santa Maria in Cama
- Santa Maria
- Sapinhaut
- Saravò
- Sardasca
- Sare
- Sarino
- Sariswil
- Sarmenstorf
- Sarn
- Sarnen
- Sarone
- Sasca
- Sass da Grüm
- Sasselli
- Sassi
- Sasso Grosso
- Sasso di Grumo
- Satigny
- Saugern
- Sauges
- Saulcy
- Saus Oberberg
- Sausch
- Savatan
- Saviese
- Savigny
- Savognin
- Savosa Paese
- Savosa
- Sax
- Saxeten
- Says
- Scafusa
- Scaiano
- Scairolo Vecchio
- Scairolo
- Scala
- Scalvéid
- Scanfs
- Scareglia
- Scereda
- Scerese
- Sceresio
- Schaerlig
- Schafisheim
- Schaftelen
- Schangnau
- Scharans
- Scharti
- Schattdorf
- Schattigstock
- Schatzalp
- Sched
- Scheid
- Schelten
- Schenkon
- Scherliau
- Scherzingen
- Scherzligen
- Schguol
- Schiberen
- Schiebern
- Schiers
- Schilt
- Schiltle
- Schiltli
- Schimbergbad
- Schindellegi
- Schinznach Bad
- Schinznach Dorf
- Schinznach
- Schlarigna
- Schlatt bei Diessenhofen
- Schlatt
- Schlattingen
- Schleins
- Schleitheim
- Schliere
- Schlieren
- Schloh
- Schlossrued
- Schlucht
- Schluein
- Schmelzboden
- Schmelzboden-Monstein
- Schmerikon
- Schmidsboden
- Schmitte
- Schnottu
- Schnottwil
- Schoetz
- Schonegg
- Schonenberg
- Schonenwerd
- Schongau
- Schrättern Alpe
- Schuders
- Schuepfheim
- Schuetzerhuus
- Schulh
- Schulles
- Schuls
- Schurlialp
- Schwaderloch
- Schwaendi
- Schwand
- Schwanden GL
- Schwarzenberg
- Schwarzenegg
- Schwarzenthal
- Schwarzseebad
- Schwefelbergbad
- Schweizerhalle
- Schwellbrunn
- Schwendi
- Schwendibad
- Schwendikaltbad
- Schwytz
- Schwyz
- Schwändi
- Schänis
- Schänke
- Schärligbad
- Schärzingä
- Schönbühl
- Schöneck
- Schönegrond
- Schönenberg an der Thur
- Schönenbuch
- Schönengrund
- Schönholzerswilen
- Schötz
- Schübelbach
- Schüpbach
- Schüpfen
- Schüpfheim
- Schützerhuus
- Scimadera
- Sciresolo
- Scirona
- Scisa
- Sciss di Dentro
- Sciss di Fuori
- Sciss
- Scona
- Scubilingen
- Scudellate
- Scuol
- Secanius
- Sedrun
- Sedunum
- Seebach
- Seeberg
- Seedorf i Uri
- Seedorf
- Seegraben
- Seelisberg
- Seen
- Seenge
- Seengen
- Seeroli
- Seeweid
- Seewes
- Seewis Dorf
- Seewis im Oberland
- Seewis im Prätigau
- Seewis
- Seewli
- Seftigen
- Segl
- Segl-Maria
- Seglias
- Segnedù
- Segorida
- Seires
- Selein
- Selfranga
- Selma
- Seltisberg
- Selva
- Selzach
- Sembrancher
- Sementina
- Semolcina
- Sempach
- Semsales
- Sengg
- Sennwald
- Sent-Môris
- Senögn
- Seon
- Seraplana
- Serneus Dorf
- Serneus
- Sernia
- Serocca
- Serrieres
- Sertig Dofli
- Seseglio
- Seth
- Seuberg
- Seuzach Dorf
- Seuzach
- Sevgein
- Sevgiein
- Sgiurnì
- Shvits
- Siblingen
- Sibnä
- Siders
- Siebnen
- Siegershausen
- Siernes Picats
- Sierre
- Sievgia
- Sigirin
- Sigirino
- Siglistorf
- Signau
- Signina
- Signora
- Signóra
- Sigriswil
- Sihlbrucke
- Sihlbrugg Dorf
- Sihlbrugg
- Silenen
- Sils im Bergell
- Sils im Domleschg
- Sils
- Sils-Maria
- Sils-Segl Maria
- Silva Augeria
- Silvapiana
- Silvaplana
- Silvretta Hutte
- Silvrettahaus
- Simpeln
- Simplon Dorf
- Simplon
- Sindes
- Sins
- Sirnach
- Siselen
- Sisikon
- Sissach
- Siviriez
- Soazza
- Sobrio
- Soerenberg
- Sogn Martin
- Soja
- Solduno
- Soletta
- Soleura
- Soleure
- Solgone
- Solium
- Solloturni
- Solodurum
- Solothurn
- Somazzo
- Somentino
- Someo
- Somlaproz
- Sommerau
- Sommeri
- Somprai
- Somvix
- Son Gagl
- Sonceboz
- Sonnenhof
- Sonogno
- Sontg Antönia
- Sonvilier
- Sool
- Soorsi
- Sore
- Sorengh
- Sorengo
- Sorens
- Soresina
- Sorgai
- Sornetan
- Sornico
- Sorte
- Sottens
- Soubey
- Soussillon
- Sovaglia
- Sparavera
- Speicher AR
- Speicher
- Speuz
- Spiano
- Spies
- Spiez
- Spiggengrund
- Spinas
- Spinirolo
- Spiringen
- Spitelrüti
- Spitzenhaus
- Spleja
- Spligia
- Spluga
- Splugen
- Sporz
- Spreitenbach
- Spruga
- St-Aubin
- St. Antoni FR
- St. Antoni
- St. Antönien
- St. Gallen
- St. Gallenkappel
- St. Margrethen
- St. Moritz
- St. Moritz-Champfer
- St. Peter-Pagig
- St. Peterzell
- Sta. Maria in Calanca
- Stabbio
- Stabi
- Stabio
- Stachelberg Bad
- Stachelberg
- Stadel b. Niederglatt
- Stadel
- Stadt Arbon
- Staedtli
- Staefeli
- Stafel Alp
- Stafel
- Stafel
- Stafelialp
- Stafelten
- Stafelti
- Staffel
- Staffelalp
- Staffelbach
- Staldeli
- Stalden
- Staldenried
- Staldifeld
- Stalike
- Stalla
- Stallen
- Stallikon
- Stampa
- Stannis
- Stanpa
- Stans
- Stansstad
- Starlera
- Staufen
- Staviala Vedra
- Stechelberg
- Steckborn
- Steffisburg
- Steg im Tösstal
- Steg
- Stegmatt
- Stei am Rhy
- Stein am Rhein
- Stein
- Steinalp
- Steinenberg
- Steinerberg
- Steinhaus
- Steinhausen
- Steinibach
- Steinstoessi
- Steinstuecki
- Steinstössi
- Steinstücki
- Sternenberg
- Stettfurt
- Stettlen
- Stierva
- Stigli
- Stilli
- Stinche
- Stock
- Stockboden
- Stoeckmatt
- Stogl
- Stoos SZ
- Stoss
- Stossen
- Strassberg
- Stremadone
- Strengelbach
- Stuckishaus
- Stugl
- Stuls
- Sturvis
- Städtli
- Stäfa
- Stäfeli
- Stäg
- Stärnebärg
- Stöckmatt
- Suberg
- Subingen
- Suchy
- Sufers
- Sugiez
- Suhr AG
- Suhr
- Suino
- Suitius
- Suleta
- Sulsana
- Sulsanna
- Sulsauna
- Sulz (AG)
- Sulz AG
- Sulz
- Sumiswald
- Sumvitg
- Sumwiler
- Sundlauenen
- Supersaxa
- Suracqua
- Surava
- Surcuolm
- Sureggio
- Suren
- Surlej
- Surrhin
- Sursaissa
- Sursee
- Susch
- Suvino
- Svitto
- Sviz
- Szafuza
- Sâles
- São Moritz
- Sämpech
- Sécheron
- Sédeilles
- Sézegnin
- Süderen
- Sürix
- Süs
List of Cantons in Switzerland
Discover the charm and beauty of Switzerland's towns, cities and destinations. From the stunning Alpine landscapes to the bustling urban centers, there's something for everyone in this picturesque country. Explore historic landmarks, scenic vistas and local culture as you navigate through the diverse regions of Switzerland. Let us be your guide as you embark on a journey to experience the best of this enchanting nation.